The Solar System


In chapter 4.6 of your science textbooks, you have studied about the solar system and all of the planets that are circling our sun.  As you know, the definition of solar system is : The sun and all of the heavenly bodies that orbit it.

.  In order for you to gain a better understanding of our solar system, we are going to reinforce your knowledge about the solar system by creating a map of it using the Paint Shop Pro Graphics program.

Creating this map will not be hard to do because we will only be creating basic geometric shapes and labeling them.  

Here is an example of what your map of the solar system will look like when you are finished:

Click on Image for Larger View

Here are some key points in creating your solar system:

  • You will need to try to make the planets look proportional to each other.  In other words, make sure that Mercury is not as big as Jupiter. Earth and Venus are about the same size.
  • Make sure that you label each planet.
  • You can look at other examples of images of the planets on Google Images to get an idea of what color they are.
  • Once you are finished with your image, make sure that you export it and save it.
We will be using this image to create a cover page for the books that you will be putting together at the end of this project.

Before you leave class, you will need to complete this short quiz as an "exit ticket".

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